Friday, November 11, 2011

Our Favorite Veteran and our favorite breakfast!

The kids had an assembly yesterday at school in honor of Veteran's Day.  Each class contributed in a special way.  Madeline's class sang a song, some recited poems, and one class made a tribute video.  It was really neat to see all of the work that the teachers and kids put into making it a special day.  
Many of the kids decorated stars to honor Vets.  Our kids each decorated on for our dear friend Enoch!
Enoch we are so proud to call you our friend and so very thankful for your service.  And Kathrin too!  Being a military wife can't be easy. We love you both!!!

On a much less important note, here we have theMOTD (meal of the day) 
Egg in a Hole
Before I met Matt I called these bad boys Bullseyes.  They are delicious and easy and for some reason I can not ever get my kids to eat eggs unless it is cooked this way.  
Please note the beautiful eggs.  These beauties came from the generous chickens at Mark and Carly's house! 
If my Grandpa Bob had been here for breakfast I just know he would have gone crazy for these eggs!!!  

The bottom picture is of pink milk.  My kids go nuts for it.  I don't know why???  

Our day at home has great plans for laziness.  We are still rocking the pj's and have already watched one Christmas special on TV.  
Tonight we will head to Bohler Gym to watch the Cougs take on the Cal Bears!  We will also have our own little spiker on the court for recognition.  Believe it, there will be plenty of photos!!!

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